Separate Ways
Separate Ways
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I can't control this anymore than I want to.
And I want to lose control and love you again.

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Subject: funny, random moments:
1) Accidentally recycling community's food drive flyers into the paper recycling bins. ("I TOLD you that wasn't trash!")
2) Trying to climb up the elevator while waiting for Irene to come, when it turned out she was indeed helping the others with downstairs.
3) Singing weird songs in Spanish with a low voice, like silly old men, because we are unable to sing with falsetto and with a lissthhsp.

now that I think about it, my day wasn't that exciting really. hmmm my hair is wet... now I will write about my pet peeves that I have just discovered this year:
1) FREELOADERS!!! just because I am CSF Project Chair does not mean I want to sign you up and delete some of your current activities because I am not here to serve your personal needs nor do I really have the time or patience to do so. Just learn how to fricking click SUBMIT. what a difficult concept, hmmm? And in FBLA, ughhhhhh. mmmhgh. annoyingggg freshmen..g rr
2) "there is a teacher in the classroom but there has been no teaching. There has been learning in the classroom, but there has been no teaching either." yeah lit is basically a stupid, stupid class. In a sense, so is math, but McCarty is nice enough to help you with difficult problems and offers extra credit (it's getting ridiculous now).
3) haha this is me vs self, but when the way of dealing with annoying people is by blocking them. because then I forget to unblock people due to money money money gupta moneyy

Monday, October 30, 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006
10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
15% pain
and a 100% reason to remember the name

whenever I listen to that song I get excited for FBLA conferences, only this time i listened to it after. then I played BS but we gave up and played ten fingers but I had all the twos and ones so I won! and I also realized that we have a really big group of juniors in FBLA but for some reason I have not noticed that until a few days ago.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Subject: let them eat cake - not ACTUALLY quoted by marie antoinette you historians
just like an angel
you're gonna make me fly
tangled up in my head
which one to hold and to help me
you're gonna make me unreachable

wow sometimes guest speakers are an incredible waste of time, especially canidates for city council who can't even finish a complete thought out loud without trailing into silence and confusing the shit out of the rest of us. but one thing he said was true, "you know, one thing that it great for people your age is to find a mentor. Someone who will take you under their wing and really give you that extra advantage"

so I'm off to find a mentor. I think I want an internship, and I know which one, exactly the one I want to do. But I won't put it up here because I don't want to get my hopes up. Time to get those interview answers brushed up and polished again.

Laurel is one cool teacher. I'm glad I did him for my spanish project in which I have to pretend he died and write a story about his exciting life. It's actually pretty exciting; he's Alaskan, can speak like 4 languages, and played soccer and baseball through which he got sports scholarships. And today he was like (after we turned our graded quizzes in), "So what happened on that quiz?" I received a (in the words of dario) BEAUTIFUL! SPLENDID! 19/25. it was nice to know he actually looked at my grades, because I normally get over 100 on the quizzes (there are 10 questions and like 4 EXTRA CREDIT ones so that's not exactly a difficult feat). And then he was like "I think out of all the classes, you got the highest island-simulation-create a gov score." I was very dubious, but then I saw it and I got a 98, which I guess I'm happy about. at least I was right about the whole dictatorship-communism thing, but I suppose I got some points off because it was phrased weird ("communistic dictatorship") but it's actually termed "socialism." I felt like hitting myself on the head because I learned that from marketing! gargg. And on the quiz, I could have gotten extra credit right if I had looked at my crossword puzzle, and if I had, maybe my score would have been relieved a little bit.

curry face is starting to piss me off again. because she can't even do the simplest of tasks without like BEGGING for help. No, I don't want to help you, go eat some curry.

Monday, October 23, 2006
Subject: funny
today was one of those days when a lot of "happenings" occured in random classes. normally only one or two of these "happenings" occur during my day, but today seemed full of them:
1) lit: I paid Jay $5 to switch groups with my for our lit skits because I didn't like someone who I was paired up with.
2) nothing really here, except that it was basically a free period and we stood around for like 20 minutes.
3) before cs leadership: I found rolls of black paper ready to be thrown away! Then, inside I find rolls of purple, blue, and white paper that ASB was going to throw away too! So I "recycled" it and took it for my chem halloween project! I'm going to be a black ipod nano!! yay!!
4) chem: I got my first gupta dollar!! finally all that reading paid off!! as you can see, I'm still very excited about it!! well, actually it was my second one because my mom got one from parent night, so yay!!
5) math: nothing really here, oh except I got a 97 on a test I didn't even study for!! Ironic that the one I did study for I ended up with a 94. Anyways, I'm working with Stephen Sun on this next quiz (with is a partner one). why am I writing with capitals now I do not know.
6) history: this one sucked because the quiz was hecka hard
7) spanish: this one was okay but the prompt was a little odd. I ended up writing about my trip to mexico in like 7th grade to Puerto Vallerta.

and today I worked on my ipod costume since I'm going to LDI this weekend, and I also took a nap.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Subject: NO on measure D
today color guard was okay but we were missing 10 billion people and I felt bad when Daniella was like "who here is doing winterguard?" and everyone raised their hands except for me. Yay for time management.

I think we should vote NO on measure D because more condos=lower housing prices. Hello! If there are more houses in an area that is very "hot" in terms of realty prices, then of COURSE the prices will decrease! and where will the 100 new families' children go? Certainly not to our already overcrowded schools! The worst thing about it is, some Asian lady just came and was like "Hi I'm Emily's [person who designed house and owns like 10% of Vallco] friend. Would you stick these signs up for me?" And of course, my grandpa being the confused yet amicable senior he is, goes ahead and sticks them in clear view of those who are passing by down the street. BUT IGNORE IT, ONCE MY PARENTS COME HOME I WILL CONVINCE THEM THAT THEY SHOULD INDEED VOTE NO ON MEASURE D.

Anyways, this one person is annoying me. I will never work with her on a history project again. I mean, what DO you have in your life that exactly is so time-consuming? Homework, okay... uhh your dinky little club? You need to manage your time better if you can't even type up a page's worth of rights.

Now I g2g because of homework. Here's my weekend checklist:
X have mom email Dario about LDI
X history test studying
X study math
X chem print out
X finalize lit essay
X contact guest speaker from Berkeley
_practice piano
_spanish paragraph+upload new pics
_EA Games Evite
_spanish proj translation
_chem reading+concept map
_history project

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