Separate Ways
Separate Ways
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Subject: funny, random moments:
1) Accidentally recycling community's food drive flyers into the paper recycling bins. ("I TOLD you that wasn't trash!")
2) Trying to climb up the elevator while waiting for Irene to come, when it turned out she was indeed helping the others with downstairs.
3) Singing weird songs in Spanish with a low voice, like silly old men, because we are unable to sing with falsetto and with a lissthhsp.

now that I think about it, my day wasn't that exciting really. hmmm my hair is wet... now I will write about my pet peeves that I have just discovered this year:
1) FREELOADERS!!! just because I am CSF Project Chair does not mean I want to sign you up and delete some of your current activities because I am not here to serve your personal needs nor do I really have the time or patience to do so. Just learn how to fricking click SUBMIT. what a difficult concept, hmmm? And in FBLA, ughhhhhh. mmmhgh. annoyingggg freshmen..g rr
2) "there is a teacher in the classroom but there has been no teaching. There has been learning in the classroom, but there has been no teaching either." yeah lit is basically a stupid, stupid class. In a sense, so is math, but McCarty is nice enough to help you with difficult problems and offers extra credit (it's getting ridiculous now).
3) haha this is me vs self, but when the way of dealing with annoying people is by blocking them. because then I forget to unblock people due to money money money gupta moneyy

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