Separate Ways
Separate Ways
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Subject: NO on measure D
today color guard was okay but we were missing 10 billion people and I felt bad when Daniella was like "who here is doing winterguard?" and everyone raised their hands except for me. Yay for time management.

I think we should vote NO on measure D because more condos=lower housing prices. Hello! If there are more houses in an area that is very "hot" in terms of realty prices, then of COURSE the prices will decrease! and where will the 100 new families' children go? Certainly not to our already overcrowded schools! The worst thing about it is, some Asian lady just came and was like "Hi I'm Emily's [person who designed house and owns like 10% of Vallco] friend. Would you stick these signs up for me?" And of course, my grandpa being the confused yet amicable senior he is, goes ahead and sticks them in clear view of those who are passing by down the street. BUT IGNORE IT, ONCE MY PARENTS COME HOME I WILL CONVINCE THEM THAT THEY SHOULD INDEED VOTE NO ON MEASURE D.

Anyways, this one person is annoying me. I will never work with her on a history project again. I mean, what DO you have in your life that exactly is so time-consuming? Homework, okay... uhh your dinky little club? You need to manage your time better if you can't even type up a page's worth of rights.

Now I g2g because of homework. Here's my weekend checklist:
X have mom email Dario about LDI
X history test studying
X study math
X chem print out
X finalize lit essay
X contact guest speaker from Berkeley
_practice piano
_spanish paragraph+upload new pics
_EA Games Evite
_spanish proj translation
_chem reading+concept map
_history project

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