Separate Ways
Separate Ways
Monday, October 23, 2006
Subject: funny
today was one of those days when a lot of "happenings" occured in random classes. normally only one or two of these "happenings" occur during my day, but today seemed full of them:
1) lit: I paid Jay $5 to switch groups with my for our lit skits because I didn't like someone who I was paired up with.
2) nothing really here, except that it was basically a free period and we stood around for like 20 minutes.
3) before cs leadership: I found rolls of black paper ready to be thrown away! Then, inside I find rolls of purple, blue, and white paper that ASB was going to throw away too! So I "recycled" it and took it for my chem halloween project! I'm going to be a black ipod nano!! yay!!
4) chem: I got my first gupta dollar!! finally all that reading paid off!! as you can see, I'm still very excited about it!! well, actually it was my second one because my mom got one from parent night, so yay!!
5) math: nothing really here, oh except I got a 97 on a test I didn't even study for!! Ironic that the one I did study for I ended up with a 94. Anyways, I'm working with Stephen Sun on this next quiz (with is a partner one). why am I writing with capitals now I do not know.
6) history: this one sucked because the quiz was hecka hard
7) spanish: this one was okay but the prompt was a little odd. I ended up writing about my trip to mexico in like 7th grade to Puerto Vallerta.

and today I worked on my ipod costume since I'm going to LDI this weekend, and I also took a nap.

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